30-38mm Wheel Nut Indicator

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$3.28 Excl. GST

Hexchex can be applied to any shaped nut... round edged, sharp edged, worn, new, undersized, oversized, custom nuts including 8 or 10 sided. Hexchex can literally be clamped around anything within the diameter range for each product. Use wisely.

Quality Materials

Hexchex are made of durable custom engineered polymer with high dimensional stability, chemical resistance, UV and thermal properties. 

Australia's extreme conditions means Hexchex is exposed to high temperatures. Our material has been designed to perform over 150°C so they will not melt prematurely under heavy breaking conditions. They will melt if the hub overheats, alerting you to potential hub problems. When Hexchex melt, the non stick material is removed easily without damaging your wheels.

Feels Right

Hexchex are designed to be easy to use. The flexible material takes minimal effort to apply by hand. No tools needed. The progressive action allows you to feel each click so you know it's secure. 

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